We know you’re sitting back cosy and content in this not-so-busy time of year and considering what your New Year’s resolutions will be. How about you resolve to help others on a regular basis?
What would your life be like if you woke up each morning and thought, “What can I give today? Who can I help?” Would you yourself be happier, more secure? I dare say you would, simply because whenever you take the focus off your own self-interest, happiness naturally increases.
Timebanking creates opportunities for you to help others regularly. Joining the TimeBank would be a perfect way to keep a ‘helping others regularly’ resolution.
Beyond specific skills, we want more members who want to pay it forward. People who are woke to our interdependence and want to act upon it to create local resilience.It’s a small commitment (only three hours per month) that yields personal satisfaction and builds social capital.
Join here:
December 11, 2017